Friday, March 28, 2025

Halloween & Fall Season....

4:21 PM Posted by Michelle

Well what could be better? It's Halloween and Fall Season which is my favorite times of the year. Everything Pumpkin or Caramel Candy Apple Flavors - Yum Yum!!! Well, I haven't blogged in a while, I have had a rough patch of luck. First I was in a car accident that broke my back, so I had surgery for that then I got pneumonia from staying in the hospital which landed me back in the hospital for a long stay. I didn't get on any computer for close to a year and then when I did it was just checking email and right when I was ready to come back full force I was just riding to the gas station to get milk for my son's cereal and a drunk driver hit us from the back and pushed us into a ditch and I suffered a ruptured disk, herniated disk, and a bloody nose and bruises everywhere. So now the doctors won't fix my back this time because it's to dangerous. I am learning to deal with it though. Whew!!! what some bad luck I have had but, now I am back and I am looking around for some stuff for my next giveaway so bare with me please. This is my absolute favorite time of the season. I am a horror nut so I am loving the scary stuff that comes with Halloween. I have already purchased the zombie girl from the Walking Dead from the Spirit Store. That set me back a pretty penny but it was totally worth it. I have also scooped up stuff from Walgreen's and a local flea market for Halloween. We are in the process of decorating the yard now Woohoo! It also helps that I collect Horror Stuff and Dolls especially ZOMBIES. I can display them at this time of year. I always tell my friends if you have anything scary that is no longer wanted then donate it my way lol I promise to give it a good home hehe!!! Well, I guess this is my I'M BACK blog -  Surprise! lol Well, check back in a few days and I will have a giveaway up and going - Promise. Until next time......

Chex Party Mix Giveaway

3:43 PM Posted by Michelle

Hello everyone =) Well, I recently received the chance to try Rice Chex Cereal which I made into a yummy Tex Chex Party Mix and Wow was it good. I actually had to go out and buy more Chex cereal and other ingredients to make more. I served it up at one of our movie night get togethers that me, my family and a bunch of friends do once a month just for fun. Sometimes we will do it more often it just depends on everyone's schedule.
Whether you´re looking for sweet or salty, Chex Party Mix has something to offer every taste bud, making it the perfect go-to snack for entertaining this holiday season. Four gluten-free varieties of Chex cereal help ensure that even party guests with gluten restrictions can enjoy Chex Party Mix too. And next time you visit your local Walmart look for the recipe section and you will find recipes for Chex Lemon Buddies as well as the new Chex Apple Pie Snack Mix and Tex Chex Party Mix recipes but don't worry if you can't get to Walmart any time soon because Chex has recipes printed right on the box and they are YUMMY!!! 
Well who would like to win so yummy goodness?? Well, BlogSpark is giving one of my readers a chance to win 1 box of Rice Chex, a measuring cup set and a Chex Party Mix tote bag, just like in the picture above and trust me that is one huge bag and it has a zipper on it and is great for a multitude of things. All you have to do to win is follow the simple rules below. This will be a short contest so maybe you will receive it in times for the Holidays or maybe a New Years Celebration. Oh, and I have my Chronicle book wish list posted on the Other Blog Giveaways tab above how about clicking on it and leaving a comment on my book selections I chose. It's a list I did to enter a giveaway to try and win some books. I would greatly appreciate it if you can find the time......

The Giveaway will end on Thursday December 9th 2010 at 11:59 EST

Mandatory 1st Entry:
- Tell me what snack(s) do you like to serve around the Holiday Season?
Extra Entry's:
- Follow me with Google Friend Connect and if you already do just remind me - 2 extra entry's
- Grab my button and leave me a link
- Subscribe to my blog - 2 extra entry's 
- Follow me on Twitter and leave me your username (click on the twitter bird in the right hand sidebar)
- Tweet about this giveaway and leave me the link - this can be done daily
- Blog about this giveaway and leave me a link - 5 extra entry's
- Add me to your blogroll

(Please Note that the Chex Mix, Bag, Measuring Cups, Some Information and The Additional Giveaway I received were all given to me from General Mills through MyBlogSpark free of charge. 

CONGRATULATIONS  To my winner  RaettigFamily & Thank you all who entered and check back often for my next giveaway.....

Celebrate the Haul-idays with Chronicle Books

10:49 PM Posted by Michelle

Hi Everyone, I recently read about this event from so I decided to write a post here to give an opportunity to my readers and myself - Woohoo!!  Please feel free to click on the links to read about the books I picked and maybe look up some of your own book interests from the Chronicle Book website. This is one amazing giveaway and who doesn't love to read? I loved that even me being a horror buff they had awesome selections even for me which is usually hard for me to find. They have tons of books and I enjoyed looking through them so much.

So here is the deal -
1. Post a list of Chronicle Books valued at up to $500 on your blog that you’d like to win...
2. Fill out the form on that link above and you’ll be entered to win...
3. If you win, one of your lucky readers who commented will win too...
Here is my wishlist:

Well there you have it all my favorite can't do without books with a grand total of $496.04
I could have went on and on they have so many cool books and stuff to choose from. Well, I am a little fish in a big sea of contestants but, I am crossing my fingers, my legs and anything else to give myself  Take Care!!!

Pillsbury Grands Mini Biscuits Prize Pack

6:09 PM Posted by Michelle

Yum!!! Who doesn't love Pillsbury Grands Biscuits? I love to pull them apart layer by layer. You say you want a homemade taste but don´t have the homemade time, then look no further than, Pillsbury Grands! Frozen Mini Biscuits, the new freezer-to-oven biscuits that come warm, fluffy and fresh from your oven in just minutes. So you can go from frozen to mouthwatering goodness in minutes. Mini Biscuits are the perfect size for kids, or for mini sandwiches and appetizers and at only 70 calories each you can't go wrong. Everyone around here loves 'em. We have them for breakfast, lunch and dinner. There are so many ways to make these biscuits and your family will love trying each one.  Recently I got the chance from Pillsbury and Blog Spark to receive a gift pack with: A VIP coupon good for a free package of biscuits, a $15 gift card to purchase your recipe creation/experimentation needs, a biscuit basket, a butter dish and spreader - I used my card to purchase butter, jelly, more grands of course, and some little mini sausages so I could make pig-in-the-blankets. And I have to tell you I am drooling just thinking about them, yummy is all I have to I think I made myself hungry  =)  Well, on to the part your waiting for and I can't blame ya - If you would like to win the same prize pack then you will want to enter because My Blog Spark is going to send one of my reader's the same pack I received. And let me tell you, you will love it, I especially love the spreader, it's thick and has some weight to it, not flimsy like most of the spreaders out there. I use mine for peanut butter too. Please remember to do the Mandatory Entry first and this giveaway will End on September 28th 2010 which is next Tuesday at 11:59 p.m Eastern Standard Time.......

Please Note: The prize packs and information were all given to me from Pillsbury through MyBlogSpark free of charge to me. All opinions, and views are all my own. No one has influenced me other than me trying the products, and telling you honestly what I think of them.......

Mandatory 1st Entry:
- Do you eat biscuits for more than just breakfast, if so how?
Extra Entry's:
- Follow me with Google Friend Connect and if you already do just remind me - 2 extra entry's
- Grab my button and leave me a link
- Subscribe to my blog - 2 extra entry's 
- Follow me on Twitter and leave me your username (click on the twitter bird in the right hand sidebar)
- Tweet about this giveaway and leave me the link - this can be done daily
- Blog about this giveaway and leave me a link - 3 extra entry's
- Add me to your blogroll

Congrats to Natalie A. You are my winner you have 24 hours to contact me.... Thank you to everyone else who entered and stay tuned I am putting together some great giveaways......

Sam's Club Back To School $25 Gift Card Giveaway...

10:57 PM Posted by Michelle

Who has heard of Box Tops for education before? Well, if you have GREAT but if you haven't,  there the little points you find on your favorite food brands. You can collect  Box Tops to help support participating schools in your area, and if you have children then you can support their school with the Box Tops. Your local Sam´s Club from August the 11th through August the 31st you can earn more cash for your school. At the Sam´s Club Back-to-School event, you can get a head start on your collection and find 6 Box Tops on participating General Mills products. Sam´s Club is your one stop destination for all your back-to-school supplies and needs. 
Sam´s Club is giving you the opportunity to earn even more Box Tops when you upgrade to a "Plus Membership." From August 6th - August 13th, or while supplies last. Just visit the Member Services Desk of your local Sam´s Club and upon payment for your Plus Membership, you will receive a certificate for 150 Bonus Box Tops. For more information just visit today........So to get you started I am giving away a $25.00 Sams Gift Card to help out with your back to school needs. Woohoo!! MyBlogSpark provided me with a Sam´s Club "Plus Membership" upgrade and a $25 Sam´s Club gift card as well - Yippee, I'm definately going to collect the bonus Box Tops.....All you have to do is leave a comment below but, remember to do the Mandatory entry first. GOOD LUCK everyone!!!!!

Giveaway will end on August 6th (Friday) at 11:59 p.m.....

 Mandatory 1st Entry:
- Tell me if you collect Box Tops or does someone you know collect them?
Extra Entry's:
- Follow me with Google Friend Connect and if you already do just remind me - 2 extra entry's
- Grab my button and leave me a link
- Subscribe to my blog - 2 extra entry's 
- Follow me on Twitter and leave me your username (click on the twitter bird in the right hand sidebar)
- Tweet about this giveaway and leave me the link - this can be done daily
- Blog about this giveaway and leave me a link - 5 extra entry's
- Add me to your blogroll

(Please note that the Sam´s Club Plus Membership, gift card, information and giveaway I received were all given to me from Sam´s Club and General Mills through MyBlogSpark free of charge.)

CONGRATS!!!! barbara.montyj   Is my WINNER....Don't worry I will be back with another giveaway soon, so please check back....

Pillsbury Chocolate Chunk Fudge Brownies Gift Pack

11:54 AM Posted by Michelle

Who doesn't love brownies? I know I do. I actually have to stop myself because I could eat a whole pan by, but I never do but I could..hehe. Okay well we have a giveaway from Pillsbury today and everyone knows Pillsbury is the best in well ummm.....EVERYTHING  =) Has your child ever came home and said that they need baked goods to share with the whole class by tomorrow? And there's no time to bake or maybe you don't have what you need on hand to bake. Uh-oh!! Well, Pillsbury comes to the rescue with Pillsbury Chocolate Chunk Fudge Brownies, available exclusively at Sam’s Club. With the delicious authentic taste of home made cooked brownies. Pillsbury Chocolate Chunk Fudge Brownies are a blend of 3 types of cocoas with real chocolate syrup and milk chocolate chunks to make a delicious fudgy brownie—they’re the perfect solution when you’re pressed for time and straight-out-of-the-oven flavor without the time or clean-up, Pillsbury Chocolate Chunk Fudge Brownies are a great treat for any occasion.....And when you purchase Pillsbury Chocolate Chunk Fudge Brownies at Sam’s Club, you have the chance to support your local school with Box Tops for Education. Each package of Pillsbury Chocolate Chunk Fudge Brownies has 6 Bonus Box Tops that can be redeemed to earn cash for the K-8 school of your choice and who doesn't love that?? Have no children? No need to worry Pillsbury brownies are perfect for all occasions. Just to name a few I would think Birthdays, Weddings, Baby Showers, A Get Together and lot's more.Thanks to Pillsbury and My Blog Spark I have a Gift Pack to give away that includes: A $25 Sam’s Club gift card to use to purchase the brownies, Betty Crocker frosting, and a large container for transporting the brownies. When I received mine I went straight to Sam's and purchased Brownies for a class treat but, before I delivered them I decorated them with the frosting that I received. I received cheesecake flavor and chocolate fudge with real chocolate chunks, yum! I also received a cake decorating set which made it easy and fun. Even if you don't have a Sam's you'll want to enter for the other Goodie's and maybe you know someone who could use the Sam's Card either way get to love reading your answers.......

Giveaway will end on June 9th at 11:59 p.m - Good Luck Everyone!!!  

(Please note that the product, information, online coupon link, and gift packs were all given to you from Pillsbury and MyBlogSpark free of charge)

Mandatory 1st Entry:
- Tell me your favorite snack that you can't live without?
Extra Entry's:
- Follow me with Google Friend Connect and if you already do just remind me - 2 extra entry's
- Grab my button and leave me a link
- Subscribe to my blog 
- Follow me on Twitter and leave me your username (click on the twitter bird in the right hand sidebar)
- Tweet about this giveaway and leave me the link - this can be done daily
- Blog about this giveaway and leave me a link - 5 extra entry's
- Add me to your blogroll

Congrats to WWillows6  you are my winner. I have emailed you for your info. You have 24hrs to respond. Thanks to everyone who entered and don't worry I'm putting together more great giveaways so stay tuned.....


Kroger Family of Stores $30 Gift Cards

2:11 PM Posted by Michelle

 Well, I have another great and exciting giveaway for my readers. 
As the official supplier of the Biggest Loser Ranch and partner of the Pound for Pound Challenge, the Kroger Family of Stores wants to help you achieve your goals. If you are a fan of the Biggest Loser, you may have seen several great General Mills products featured on the show. These products, including Yoplait Greek yogurt, Total, and Multigrain Cheerios, are available at your local Kroger Family of Stores and can help you stick to your weight management plan.What is the Pound for Pound Challenge you ask?? Well,Visit to make your pledge to lose weight and through June 30, 2010, for every pound you pledge to lose, the Pound For Pound Challenge will donate 14¢ to Feeding America - enough to deliver one pound of groceries to a local food bank.Wow, how great is that??? So to help you get started I have $30 in Kroger Family of Stores gift cards that you can use to purchase General Mills products with. Please remember if you win I will email you for your address and phone number. Blog Spark will then send out your prize pack when I give them you information. I received 3 ten dollar cards so that is how you will probably get your too. This is a great help to any family's budget...

(Please Note: Kroger Family of Stores gift card, information, and giveaway were all provided by the Kroger Family of Stores and General Mills through MyBlogSpark & I received them free of charge)

Giveaway will end on June 2nd at 11:59 p.m Eastern Time.

Mandatory 1st Entry:
- What is your favorite store to shop at?
Extra Entry's:
- Follow me with Google Friend Connect and if you already do just remind me - 2 extra entry's
- Grab my button and leave me a link
- Subscribe to my blog 
- Follow me on Twitter and leave me your username (click on the twitter bird in the right hand sidebar)
- Tweet about this giveaway and leave me the link - this can be done daily
- Blog about this giveaway and leave me a link - 5 extra entry's
- Add me to your blogroll

Thanks to all of the wonderful readers who entered the giveaway.....And the winner is: Mami2jcn - Congrats you have been emailed. Please respond within 24hrs - And for those who didn't win don't worry I have another giveaway coming tomorrow =)  

Yoplait Simply Go-Gurt Prize Pack Giveaway

8:38 PM Posted by Michelle

Woohoo!!  Who is ready for a cool little giveaway? Recently I was given a little well put together pack to try out from My Blog Spark. The pack included Simply Go-Gurt which is made from simple ingredients moms look for and it contains no high fructose corn syrup or artificial colors or flavors. 
Each convenient portable yogurt tube contains a good source of calcium and vitamin D. Simply stated, Simply... Go-Gurt is a good-for-you, low fat yogurt snack that you can feel good about giving to your kids.We tried the strawberry and I have to tell you it was delicious and did I mention yummy? Well, I have picky little eater's and I heard no complaining when these hit the I have had my accident and have been in casts I need all the help I can get when it comes to easy, so this was heaven sent. Along with my coupon for the Simply Go-Gurts I also received a pocket Etch a Sketch, weekly planner and a seat back organizer. The Etch a Sketch was also a crowd pleaser =) So My Blog Spark has also offered to give one of my readers a prize pack and they will also be sending it out so my winner will need to respond with their address as soon as possible.

Mandatory 1st Entry:
- What is your family's favorite healthy snack?
Extra Entry's:
- Follow me with Google Friend Connect and if you already do just remind me - 2 extra entry's
- Grab my button and leave me a link
- Subscribe to my blog 
- Follow me on Twitter and leave me your username (click on the twitter bird in the right hand sidebar)
- Tweet about this giveaway and leave me the link - this can be done daily
- Blog about this giveaway and leave me a link - 5 extra entry's
- Add me to your blogroll

Please Note: 
Go-Gurt, prize pack, information and additional prize pack to give away were all given to me from Yoplait through MyBlogSpark....

This giveaway will end April 12, 2010

And the Winner Is - Sweetpea08 - Congratulations, I will be emailing you and thank you to all that entered, I'm going to be having another giveaway very soon so stay posted..... 

Even More Other Blog Giveaways

3:31 PM Posted by Michelle

Mom Start always has great giveaways and here is an awesome one. You get the chance to win a U.S Wellness Meats $75.00 Sampler Pack. Wow!! U.S Wellness Meats are grass fed instead of grain fed they are allowed to eat naturally which means it is better for you. If you wanna know more then you really should go and enter the giveaway and read what Mom Start had to say  =)


A Few Other Blog Giveaways

4:45 PM Posted by Michelle

I found some great giveaways that I thought my readers might like to enter. I know I did =) so read on and enjoy....Oh, and have a great day.

*** At Mom Start for the movie It's Complicated she is having a giveaway for your chance to win a $50 Visa Gift Card  and a a It's Complicated tote bag filled with an apron, tee, soundtrack and a blanket/throw to the first winner and for two other winners they will win a It's complicated tote bag filled with an apron and tee. This is a great giveaway and you can get extra entries too. It Ends December 30th 11:59 pm Pacific...

*** At Mom Start she is giving away 10 $50.00 American Express Gift Cards. Wow!! now those are awesome odds.  You should go to her site and read all she had to say about American Express and visit the American Express website. It Ends December 31st 11:59 pm Pacific...

*** At Mom Start she is giving you the chance to win a DJ Hero Bundle in the Sprite's Give the Gift of Gaming Giveaway. That's a $169.00 Value...Whew! that's an amazing giveaway that you sure don't wanna miss so go and make sure that you enter today and make sure you read what Mom Start has to say about this giveaway and My Coke Rewards. Ends December 28th 11:59 pm Pacific...

$25 BJ's Gift Card Giveaway

12:40 PM Posted by Michelle

 BJ’s Wholesale Club is a one-stop shop that offers great savings more than 30% over supermarkets on the highest quality items, and carries family-friendly supermarket sizes and accepts all manufacturers’ coupons. BJ's is an awesome wholesale club. We have one a little ways from where I live so when I go to visit a friend we always go and do our shopping there. I love that you can buy just about everything there and it doesn't kill my wallet at the checkout. Well, for my readers I have a wonderful giveaway for a $25 BJ's Gift Card for you to use towards your next BJ's purchase thanks to BJ's Wholesale Club and General Mills that provided me with a free trail membership, gift card, coupons and information through My BlogSpark. Please click here to make sure that you have a BJ's in your area so you'll be able to use your gift card if you win but, if you don't have one but you have a family member who does then you could give it to them as maybe a thank you or a just because. They have 180 locations in 15 states that include: Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. Your going to love BJ's I know I do so enter now and remember you have to be in it to win it. There will be one winner. US Only Please =)

Giveaway Ends December 31, 2009 

Mandatory 1st Entry:
- What item would you love to stock up on at BJ's or Own?
Extra Entry's:
- Follow me with Google Friend Connect and if you already do just remind me - 2 extra entry's
- Grab my button and leave me a link
- Subscribe to my blog 
- Follow me on Twitter and leave me your username (click on the twitter bird in the right hand sidebar)
- Tweet about this giveaway and leave me the link - this can be done daily
- Blog about this giveaway and leave me a link - 5 extra entry's
- Add me to your blogroll

CONTEST ENDED - The Winner is jerseygirl137 Congrats and thank you to everyone who entered and be sure to keep checking back for more great contests  =)

Acu-Life Pro Fit Earplugs Review

7:23 PM Posted by Michelle

I was sent a pair of Acu-Life Pro Fit Earplugs to review last week. I received them on Thursday which was really quick. I am always impressed with fast shipping to start things off. Well, as I was sitting watching T.V I saw the package sitting on my end table so I thought humm, this would be the perfect time to try them out.Well as soon as I opened the pack I thought humm, this is different. You receive a little storage bag that is much like a zip lock only smaller and divided into compartments that say left and right, then you have a little container that look's like two connecting  bubbles with blue soft putty in one and white in the other. Then you have your instructions. These are custom made so they fit only your ears for the perfect fit. How cool is that?? And they last up to six months. Okay the goal is to open the container and pinch off half the blue and half the white and kneed them together no more than about 30 seconds until they are an aqua color. This was so easy and to make sure I only took half of each I rolled mine into little balls first which made it easier for me. Make sure to close the other half's up tightly for later. After you mix them then you fit it to the inside of your ear. I started with my left ear and I used a big mirror to look into, because you may be able to do it blindly with out one but, I knew I couldn't. Looking into the mirror I pushed it lightly into the inner part of my ear making sure not to leave a lot of excess hanging, and there is more than enough. After I have it where I wanted it, I waited. The packaged suggest ten minutes and you shouldn't talk or chew while they are setting. When it came time to pull it out I was amazed at how perfect they came out and all you do is pull from the top and out they come. Then you do the same thing with the other one and when you have both done you can store them in the storage bag provided, So here's a quick rundown. They are easy peasy, custom fitted so you have a personalized fit for day or night and very affordable and can be used for six months. and they are 29 NRR (Noise Reduction Rating) when used as directed. And trust me these block out a ton of noise. I'm the type that when I read I just can't hear background noises as they distract me so these were heavenly for when I was reading and I tried them when I went to bed and they worked so good I didn't hear my alarm clock the next These definitely get my seal of approval and just think of all of the money you will save using these and unlike other earplugs these will be made just for you, no forcing them in or worrying about them falling out. These are Amazing and you can check them out below:
                      Acu-Life Pro-Fit Earplugs

Disclaimer: These were provided to me as a free product sample to review. I was not under any obligation to write a positive review in return for the free product. My honest opinion was requested and that is all.

Tropical Traditions Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil Review

9:27 PM Posted by Michelle

I was so excited to get my jar of gold label virgin coconut oil. I have been reading about it for a while and really wanted to try it. It arrived in just a few days which was very fast shipping and it came very well packaged, no cheap wrapping here. First I was surprised to see that it was a solid and not a oil which I like everyone else is probably use to. It reminded me of white candle wax and surprisingly I could not detect a coconut scent like I thought. I also thought that it would be very strong but it was exactly the opposite. It was late in the day when I first received it so I put in on the shelf for a new day. Yesterday I first tried it in a chocolate cake. I melted it first in a pan and then added it like you normally would along with the other ingredients. While melting it I noticed it gave off a nice coconut fragrance which was nice but, I was just hoping that a coconut flavor wouldn't transfer to the cake because this is going to be a chocolate cake. Well, when everything was done the moment of truth was at hand and the verdict was: AWESOME and no coconut flavor just yummy goodness, and it was a hit. So with the baked good under my wing using the gold label virgin coconut oil I knew next I would have to fry something and give it to the toughest judges of all my mom and a picky ten year old. So with that I tried chicken breasts and grilling franks. I cooked them like you normally would in a fry pan on top of the stove and again that super coconut scent filled the kitchen and let me also tell you it doesn't take much of this stuff to do the job which is great you know what they say less is more  =) Well, I finished the chicken first and my mom started eating dinner and I just stood there watching and she said Yum this tastes even better with this oil I was smiling from ear to ear. No coconut flavor just juicy breaded chicken that tasted better than when cooked with regular vegetable oil. I truly am amazed at this product, and remember it's organic which is even better for you. The grilling franks were such a hit I was asked to make them again soon and that's a miracle for the worlds pickiest ten year old....All in all when this is out you can bet I will be running back to order some more because I always want to have this in the kitchen.  You should visit their web page they have so much more than oil. They have honey, peanut butter, coconut flakes and lots, and lots more so head on over there and take a look.  Tropical Traditions

Tropical Traditions also has a Referral Program, so if you place an order with them as a first-time customer, please select “Referred by a friend” and in the box that says “How did you hear of us?” enter my sponsor ID number  5384773  By telling Tropical Traditions that I referred you, you will receive a complimentary copy of the book Virgin Coconut Oil: How it has changed people’s lives and how it can change yours! by Brian and Marianita Shilhavy with your first order! This book is filled with testimonies and research showing how healthy coconut oil is, and it also includes over 85 recipes showing how one can incorporate coconut into their diet.

Disclaimer: Tropical Traditions provided me with a free sample of this product to review, and I was under no obligation to review it if I so chose.  Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review in return for the free product.

Other Blog Giveaways Upcoming and Current

9:47 PM Posted by Michelle

Well, I hope everyone had a wonderful day. It was pretty and nice here not at all hot or humid just breezy and comfortable  =)  I just wanted to let you know about a few upcoming and current giveaways I have found on my favorite sites. I will add more to the list as I find them so be sure to check back soon.

*** At Sweeps4Bloggers there is always new giveaways and I love the giveaway that she has now and it is a Personalized Blanket from Butterscotch Blankees and there will be 2 winners. Woohoo!! They are so pretty and you can pick your colors and font's and you can have it personalized with your initials, date, or name. You can't get any better than that. And guess what they also have pillows yep that's right you can have your blanket and pillow too all from the same site =)  So head on over and read what she had to say and enter this awesome giveaway and don't forget to take a peek at Butterscotch Blankees website   =)
It Ends December 4th, 2009 at 8pm Pacific Time and is open to all US Addresses....

***  Head on over to Sweeps4Bloggers and enter to win a Yu-Be Japanese Skin Care Gift Set. They have been around for over 50 years, and designed to work well wherever your skin needs help hands, feet, cuticles, face and even your lips so head on over and enter. It all ends November 30th, 2009 at 8pm Pacific Time  

***  From Jolly Mom starting on Monday, November 23rd  she will be giving away an awesome computer. It's a  HP TouchSmart 600 with a Retail value of $1,497 she is also giving you the chance to earn six extra EARLY entries which means you have the chance to get ahead on your chances to win by blogging or grab the button and place it on your site so easy and well worth it  =) So go and take a peek.

***  Over at Leslie Loves Veggies she is giving one reader the chance to win a Victorian House Scones Shortbread Cookie Mixes Gift Pack -  Yum doesn't that sound tasty?? and not only do you get mixes but you will get two cute little cookie cutters a crescent and a moon, so be sure to go and enter.

*** At She Scribes you can enter to win a Genesis Soda Stream Unit ($119.00) from Soda Stream USA - I don't know if you have seen these things but they are amazing. You should go to She Scribes and read her review about it and click on the links and don't forget to enter the giveaway.


Target & Applebee's Card Giveaway

5:35 PM Posted by Michelle


 Who loves Applebee's and Target?  You do you say...Well, have I got a giveaway for you. I have a $5.00 Target Gift Card and a $10.00 Applebee's Gift Card. I received both of them after purchasing so much from the stores and I thought this would be a cute little giveaway for my faithful readers and when one person can eat for ten dollars each at Applebee's this would be great as a lunch card or apply it to a family total so the bill isn't so much. Same with the Target Gift Card every little penny saved is a penny earned  =)  There will be one winner and entering is easy peasy so what are you waiting for?? Sorry I don't have a picture my camera died which by the way is my Christmas wish but, the Target Card has the little Target Dog on it and the Applebee's Card just has the Applebee Logo on it....Hope to hear from you. Everyone have a great day!!!

Giveaway will end at 8pm Eastern Time on December 10th - Can be dropped in the mail the next day provided the winner emails me back soon after the giveaway  =)

Mandatory 1st Entry:
- Tell me what your Christmas wish is ?
Extra Entry's:
- Follow me with Google Friend Connect and if you already do just remind me - 2 extra entry's

- Grab my button and leave me a link
- Subscribe to my blog 
- Follow me on Twitter and leave me your username (click on the twitter bird in the right hand sidebar)
- Tweet about this giveaway and leave me the link - this can be done daily
- Blog about this giveaway and leave me a link - 5 extra entry's
- Add me to your blogroll

                          Contest Ended 

And the winner is: Doreen and a winner's email has been sent out. Everyone else don't loose hope I will have lot's of other giveaways coming soon so please check back...Thanks!!

$50 Walmart Giftcard Giveaway

2:24 AM Posted by Michelle

Who loves Walmart?? I know I do. Walmart has to be my number one store to shop especially the huge Super Center's. I'm telling you I  could spend hours and hours in there and I very often do. I should have a sticker somewhere that says Walmart, I love it for a reason, and it's because they have grocery's, cosmetic, electronics, camping, hunting and fishing gear, toys, bath and bedding, a pharmacy where lots of prescriptions are only four bucks, a deli, and a eatery - Yum! They have a lot more that's just some that come to mind. Walmart only continues to grow and get bigger as the years go by and that's a good thing. Well, I was shopping at Walmart a couple of days ago, and at the checkout I was looking at gift cards and picking up a few for the up coming holidays that are fast approaching and I thought it would be nice to give one of my readers a chance to win one of their own so they could get whatever makes them happy or maybe use it for purchasing Christmas gifts. So here is a chance for a lucky reader to win a $50 gift card and it's easy peasy to enter. Just follow the rules below and remember the first entry is mandatory and must be done before any others will count. Giveaway will end on November 24th 2009 at 8p.m Eastern - Good Luck!!

Mandatory 1st Entry:
- Go to Walmart and take a look around and come back and tell me something you would purchase for yourself or as a gift if you won
Extra Entry's:
- Follow me with Google Friend Connect - 2 extra entry's

- Grab my button and leave me a link
- Subscribe to my blog 
- Follow me on Twitter and leave me your username (click on the twitter bird in the right hand sidebar)
- Tweet about this giveaway and leave me the link - this can be done daily
- Blog about this giveaway and leave me a link - 5 extra entry's
- Add me to your blogroll
- Sign up for the Walmart Newsletter


Drum Roll & the Winner is: 
Anonymous said...This is a great giveaway.I would buy my Grandmother a heating pad and other things she needs.She is having a lot of medical problems and is on a fixed income and can't even afford her Meds most of the time.She would appreciate this very much.Thanks so much for the opportunity to win.

You have 48 hrs to email me with your address and name. I would normally email you but you forgot to leave your email address. 

If you didn't win this time around don't worry in a little while I will be giving away more gift cards and gifts so stick in there and check back often there will be a lot more winners =)

Home Cooking and Scary Movies - Can't Beat It

4:03 PM Posted by Michelle

Well, today is a Meatloaf Day - YUM - We are cooking some yummy meatloaf with bell peppers and onions in it and I'm not a big onion fan but, put in something they are pretty good. We are also having rice with gravy. Later I will eat and boy does it smell fantastic. I am also going to watch some scary movies in the true fashion of Halloween =)  If you don't know I shall tell you, I am a HUGE scary movie fanatic and  horror collector. I am also crazy about all of the paranormal shows on t.v like Paranormal State, Ghost Adventures, Ghosts Hunters and Ghost Hunters International. I also love the Most Haunted Places Shows and the Scariest Places Shows. I am a big Monster Quest, and Lost Tapes fan too. I buy all types of dvd's because I collect them but, my main collection is horror so I have many choices to choose from. I think I will watch my man Chucky because what's a little childs play? I also will definitely watch the original Amityville not the 2005 version. I love the 1979 version with James Brolin, Margot Kidder...Nothing beats the original of most movies except in very rare cases. What do you think?? I also love the campy type horror movies. Wanna know a movie that gave me nightmares when I was a child??? It was the Shining  with Jack Nickleson. I know it's really not that scary now but when I was a teenager I remember waking up in what I think they call Moon Chairs today only back then they were huge and leather.  I woke up and was so scared I stayed there all night until it was day dream was of Louis Gossett Jr. getting hacked up...I was scared to hang my feet off of the chair because I thought something would get me back I think to myself I was a silly thing  =) That is the only movie to ever scare me and I am thirty five now. I love the older scary movies more than the new ones. Some of my faves besides the ones above are Candyman (1992), Puppet Master (1989), Wishmaster (1992), Hellraiser  (1987 ), Halloween (1978), Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978) and lastly - It's Alive (1974) -There you have it some of my all time favorites....What are some of yours??? Well. I'm off to watch some ghost shows I recorded last night on my DVR and then I'm going to watch Child's Play. Drop me a line or two I love hearing from everyone. 

Children In Need - Hugs & Hope Christmas Elf Program

2:58 PM Posted by Michelle

Have you ever wanted to help a child during the holidays but, didn't know how or where?? Well have I got the perfect program for you it's The Hugs & Hope Christmas Elf Program. You can sponsor a child and you can be a present elf with a minimum of $25 for a present or you can be a stocking elf with no limit. You can request a girl or boy and you can also request a age range you'd like and they will try to match you with your request. You then wrap it and have it in the mail by Dec, 4th, 09...This is such a great program. You not only help sick children but you can also help there siblings which is awesome to me. I'm disabled on a fixed income but you can bet your bottom I will be helping a child this year. When I first heard of this my heart went out to this program. Think about it this way, for all of the coffee's, soda's, burgers or things you buy on a daily basis, why not buy less for yourself and give to a child in need with the extra?? If your interested you can go to Mrs. Modern Blog and read more about it and you can also email Autumn  who is the Head Elf and ask more questions if needed or volunteer. But, please if you volunteer then please follow through and don't back out because this is very important to a child. So only do it if you know that you will follow through with your commitment. Thank you & Take Care Everyone!!!

ooVoo Free Video Chat is Giving Away Two Cameras

3:57 PM Posted by Michelle

Over at Mom Start you can enter to win ooVoo software on CD and two web cameras with headsets....
ooVoo is a video site that connects people over the internet only it's a bit nicer. You can call up to six people and not everyone needs to have ooVoo to talk to each can send people video messages. You can also make a call right from your browser. Sound interesting or something you would like?? Then head on over to Mom Start and enter today. It ends November 2nd11:59 pm Pacific...

Awesome Etsy Giveaways at Ms. Modern in October

6:00 PM Posted by Michelle

Through Prizey I found a blog called Ms. Modern and she has some really unique and cool giveaways in October that you really should check out. I personally love the blog including the articles and giveaways. Here is a list of some of the October Giveaways.The links on the few bottom ones will be active the day of the giveaway but the rest are already active so go, read and enjoy I know I am.....
10/1 - Southern Alchemy – Halloween/Fall themed candle basket - Worldwide – Enter Here
10/2 – Roz Petalz Studio – Glow in the Dark Moon & Stars Ring - Worldwide - Enter Here
10/3 Punk Scrapper– Black Cat Felt Glasses Cozy – Enter Here
10/4Giggles & Grins - Tile Necklace of Your Choice – Worldwide – Enter Here
10/5 A Mother’s Crochet – Custom Crocheted Hat – Worldwide – Enter Here
10/6Boysenberry Lane – Choice of fingerless Monster Gloves – Enter Here
10/7 House of Gourds – Haunted Bird House – US & Canada Only – Enter Here
10/8Hobo Camp Crafts – A Halloween Coffee Cuff & a Fall-Themed Coffee Cuff – Enter Here
10/9Morgyn Stranahan – Halloween painted Shot Glass - Worldwide – Enter Here
10/10RosaleenDhu Designs – Black Kitty Scarf – Enter Here
10/11Little Angels Jewelry – Ouija Board Ring – Worldwide – Enter Here
10/12Artsy Fartsy Boutique – Blue Monster Purse – Worldwide – Enter Here
10/13 Sarah Brown – Half-Gallon Wallet – Worldwide – Enter Here
None on 10/14 – They pulled out. :(
10/15AJSweetSoap – Freaky Fingers Soap - Worldwide – Enter Here
10/16The Lost Earring – Film Negative Earrings - Worldwide – Enter Here
10/17 HollyWoof Styles – Agent Orange Dog Collar - Worldwide – Enter Here
10/18Final Score – Ouija Board Compact - Worldwide – Enter Here