Monday, March 31, 2025

Kroger Family of Stores $30 Gift Cards

2:11 PM Posted by Michelle

 Well, I have another great and exciting giveaway for my readers. 
As the official supplier of the Biggest Loser Ranch and partner of the Pound for Pound Challenge, the Kroger Family of Stores wants to help you achieve your goals. If you are a fan of the Biggest Loser, you may have seen several great General Mills products featured on the show. These products, including Yoplait Greek yogurt, Total, and Multigrain Cheerios, are available at your local Kroger Family of Stores and can help you stick to your weight management plan.What is the Pound for Pound Challenge you ask?? Well,Visit to make your pledge to lose weight and through June 30, 2010, for every pound you pledge to lose, the Pound For Pound Challenge will donate 14¢ to Feeding America - enough to deliver one pound of groceries to a local food bank.Wow, how great is that??? So to help you get started I have $30 in Kroger Family of Stores gift cards that you can use to purchase General Mills products with. Please remember if you win I will email you for your address and phone number. Blog Spark will then send out your prize pack when I give them you information. I received 3 ten dollar cards so that is how you will probably get your too. This is a great help to any family's budget...

(Please Note: Kroger Family of Stores gift card, information, and giveaway were all provided by the Kroger Family of Stores and General Mills through MyBlogSpark & I received them free of charge)

Giveaway will end on June 2nd at 11:59 p.m Eastern Time.

Mandatory 1st Entry:
- What is your favorite store to shop at?
Extra Entry's:
- Follow me with Google Friend Connect and if you already do just remind me - 2 extra entry's
- Grab my button and leave me a link
- Subscribe to my blog 
- Follow me on Twitter and leave me your username (click on the twitter bird in the right hand sidebar)
- Tweet about this giveaway and leave me the link - this can be done daily
- Blog about this giveaway and leave me a link - 5 extra entry's
- Add me to your blogroll

Thanks to all of the wonderful readers who entered the giveaway.....And the winner is: Mami2jcn - Congrats you have been emailed. Please respond within 24hrs - And for those who didn't win don't worry I have another giveaway coming tomorrow =)  


  1. emily said...

    yayayyy!!! great giveway!! my favorite place to shop would have to be jcrew! =) but if you mean for every day essentials, target would prob be the best one stop shop!

  2. emily said...

    i am already a follower!

  3. Mami2jcn said...

    I like Target.

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  4. Mami2jcn said...

    I follow you on GFC.

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  5. Mami2jcn said...

    I follow you on GFC.

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com


  6. Mami2jcn said...

    I follow you on Twitter @mami2jcn.

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  7. Mami2jcn said...


    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  8. Mami2jcn said...

    I added your link to my blogroll at

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  9. Kristi said...

    I love to shop at Walmart. They have everything there. I like to shop at Kroger for groceries.

    kristisdeals1 at yahoo dot com

  10. Kristi said...

    I am a new GFC follower.

    kristisdeals1 at yahoo dot com

  11. Mami2jcn said...


  12. Unknown said...

    I like walmart


  13. Unknown said...

    I follow on gfc

  14. Unknown said...

    I follow on gfc

  15. Unknown said...

    I follow on Twitter @PEnnyPixie


  16. Unknown said...

    I follow on RSS Feed

  17. Mari said...

    My favorite is petco for the pooches and target for me.

    runningmatey at hotmail dot com

  18. Mari said...

    gfc entry 1

    runningmatey at hotmail dot com

  19. Mari said...

    gfc entry 2

    runningmatey at hotmail dot com

  20. Mari said...

    email subscriber

    runningmatey at hotmail dot com

  21. Mari said...

    follow on twitter as LuckyDuckyToo

    runningmatey at hotmail dot com

  22. Mari said...


    runningmatey at hotmail dot com

  23. Julie said...

    I like Meijer and Walmart

  24. Julie said...

    # 1 follow blog

  25. Julie said...

    feed subsriber through google

  26. Madeline said...

    For groceries...Kroger! But for general shopping I love Target.

  27. Mami2jcn said...


  28. smdrm said...

    My favorite store to shop at is Walmart.

    kg4rmt at arrl dot net

  29. Mari said...


    runningmatey at hotmail dot com

  30. Mami2jcn said...


  31. Deanna said...

    My favorite store to shop at is Fred Meyer(My local Kroger). I love how they have food, clothes & even furniture all in one place. Great prices, too :)

  32. Deanna said...

    I subscribe w/Google Reader.

  33. Deanna said...

    Tweeted about the giveaway:

  34. tinatre said...

    I have to say Kroger since it is just down the street from my house. I'm satisfied with the prices and products there.

  35. Mari said...


    runningmatey at hotmail dot com

  36. Nancy said...

    My favorite store is Target.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  37. Nancy said...

    I follwo via Google Friend: allibrary.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  38. Nancy said...

    I subscribe via Google Homepage.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  39. Andrea B said...

    Kroger is the store I shop at the most (1-2 times a week). Target is my fave store, too.

  40. Andrea B said...

    your gfc follower: andrea b


  41. Andrea B said...

    your gfc follower: andrea b


  42. Clarke & Lewis said...


  43. Mami2jcn said...


  44. Renee said...

    Great, practical giveaway!
    My favorite grocery store is Food Lion, with Kroger coming in second. My favorite retail store is Target.
    yeloechikee at hotmail dot com

  45. Kristie said...

    I like to shop at Target!

    khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  46. tina reynolds said...

    I love the fred meyer owned by kroger and target.

  47. tina reynolds said...

    i follow your blog 2/2

  48. tina reynolds said...

    i subscribe to your blog

  49. Mari said...


    runningmatey at hotmail dot com

  50. LAMusing said...

    Target usually has what I need. For groceries - Ralph's


  51. LAMusing said...

    I follow on GFC (#1)


  52. LAMusing said...

    I follow on GFC (#2)


  53. anab01 said...

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